Addy May

Addy May

Addy May

Addy is almost 3 years old and has a great little personality. She loves to swim in the pool, play catch with her ball, and work in the yard with her daddy. She gets along great with her two brothers, Newt our Blue tick Hound and Huck our Hound Mix.

She is so cute when she runs down the hall in front of us in order to get to the bed first so she can roll over and get her belly rubbed.
She is such a social dog loves to go to the feed store or the bank because she gets treats.

I found Addy dumped in a field when she was not even 6 weeks old. I remember I stopped my car and opened the door to check it out and she came running. She rode in my lap the entire way home. I can not imagine our lives without her.

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