Blue nose pit losing tiny patches of hair

My blue nose pit is almost 1 year old, he's losing tiny little spots of hair down his back, for the past 2 months or so, its getting slightly worse, they aren't red or irritated, just losing hair, what is it and how do I fix this?!

Gale's Reply:

"Blue dogs" are generally more susceptible to skin conditions that can cause hair loss. But, as you can see from this list, there are about a dozen reasons why your dog might be losing his hair.

The cause could be parasites, allergies, infection or hormonal imbalance. Fixing the problem could be as simple as upgrading his food to a formula for dogs with food sensitivities--like Blue Basics. Or it could require medical intervention.

My best advice is to take your dog to the vet for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Comments for Blue nose pit losing tiny patches of hair

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Aug 23, 2011
visit to the vet
by: Anonymous

Hi, i agree with gale, as always :) a trip to your vet will help put your mind at rest, if it is anything it will be treatable, my other pit had a skin condition which was red itchy & inflamed, not like yours, my dogs skin was kept in good check by steroids & piriton tablets, i was told that pits & staffies often do get some kind of skin condition. I am sure your pit is still being the wonderfull dog that pits are & its not suffering, best of luck & happy pit owning.

May 26, 2012
fed it egg
by: Anonymous

feed it raw eggs with its food it will help with it coat and skin

Jun 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

My 3mon blue was doing the same thing. The vet had me give her Omega 3. I bout the treats which really smell bad but after a couple of weeks, her hair has grown back and her fur is nice and shiny.

Aug 09, 2016
Blue Allergies NEW
by: Anonymous

The hair is falling out because of scratching - take to vet, its his/her allergy. My blue pit had the same thing plus, skin was inflamed.

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