
by Cara
(Columbia, SC)

My favorite thing to do......NAP!

My favorite thing to do......NAP!

I am a one year old pit-bull rescue! I was rescued by a pit bull rescue when I was a little puppy and was emaciated and full of fleas. Someone also tried to crop my tail using the "street way." My tail is crooked due to that, but is cool now!

My mommy was looking to rescue a pit bull because she HATES how we are treated sometimes by the mean owners. The rescue made sure my mommy was going to provide me with a good loving home so they did a home visit and interviewed her. She passed and now I live with her! YAY!

My favorite thing to do is sit on my mommy's lap! Even though I am grown she still let's me because she loves me sooooooooooooo much! I also like to sleep under her covers and sometimes I have my own pillow too.

I think my most endearing quality is that I am cute. ;) My mommy and I like to play fetch and go for rides in her jeep. She is the best mommy ever!

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Nov 15, 2010
beautiful boy!!!!!
by: donna

I have to tell you Bogey is just adorable. My pit is all brown that is why we nicknamed him chocolate bar. He loves to do the same thing as Bogey he gets under the covers & sleeps & he has his own pillows he is such a sweet heart & it sickens me the way they are treated. We have had dogs all our lives at leaste 10 diffrent ones maybe more & Buddah is my 2nd pitbull & would have 10 more if i could. hugs to Bogey

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