

Buddah is my 4yr old chocolate brown pitbull nicknamed chocolate bar by my dad. I first saw Buddah at the Branford animal shelter in Branford ct.on October 2006. I was dropping off blankets & toys that belonged to my 1st pitbull Cysco who had to be put to sleep in Sept 2006 for a tumor which just devastated me.

While i was at the shelter i went into the dog room & was just looking around at all the poor dogs who needed homes i look down one row & turned around to see the dogs on the other side on the kennel & there he was this absolutely beautiful brown boy.

He was just sitting there looking at me with the saddest face not jumping not barking just sitting there i swear he looked like he was gonna cry any minute. I asked the warden about him she told me he was picked up & ended up at the kennel & this was the second time he was there & he was only 9 months old. He had gotten loose 2 times & the warden picked him up. The owner was suppose to pick him & just left him there. I went up to him & started petting him & he was just kissing me & i fell in love with him & asked if he was up for adoption she told me they were trying to get the owner to surrender him & then he would be. I gave my name & number.

Well a few weeks later the warden called me & said are you still interested in Buddah? i said yes i am. The next day i brought my other dog punkin shepard golden mix to the shelter to meet buddah.
They got a long great & i took buddah home.

Well the first year was really tough Buddah peed & pooped all over my house. We would take him out he would go & then come in the house & go again. To say the least, my dad was not happy at all. But then he just stopped going in the house after about a year of doing it.

Buddah was very confused i am sure he didn't know if this was gonna be his permanent home after what he had been through. I gave him lots of love & attention & he did the same. Well i lost my brother in 2008 & it has been very devastating for me if not for Buddah i don't really think i would have made it through everything.

He is the sweetest most lovable dog you could ever ask for. He cuddles with me on my bed all the time. We go for nice long walks together he loves to go for ride with me even if it is just to the store.

In the mornings when we wake up he rolls rite over for a belly rub. Sometimes when i go to work i can't wait to get home & see him he is just the best.

I do worry sometime because for some reason he doesn't seem to like other dogs he likes our punkin but no other dogs. So walking sometimes is tough but i handle him well. I am just so lucky to have him & would have 10 more pitbulls if i could they are the best dogs you could ever ask for. I have had about 10 dogs in my life but my pitbulls were the best. I love him very much!!!!!!

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Oct 31, 2014
My Baby Boy Buddah NEW
by: Anonymous

Well it took me 5 months to actually be able to write this because i am just devastated. Back in the beginning of May Buddah was acting funny not wanting to do really much of anything I called the vet on Friday & got an appt. for Monday night. Monday i wake up and Buddah looks awful I called the vet & took him right down there Dr. O looked at him & said to me this isn't good so they had me take him rite to the hospital for an ultrasound. I waited all day for the call to tell me what was wrong with my poor baby. Then the call came about 5pm that Buddah was full of tumors I just lost it rite on the phone there was really nothing they could do because of where they were located on his spleen & so on. So I took Buddah home and kept him with me for the night and the next day we made that awful drive to the vet to have him put to sleep. It was heartbreaking I was just devastated he was my best friend for 8 yrs we had been through so much together loosing him broke my heart....

Dec 15, 2010
my baby's twinky
by: Mari Mendez

She looks just like my doggy! they could be twins. I also have a page for her http://www.the-proper-pitbull.com/princess-athena-lou.html. Your dog is beautiful!

Nov 03, 2010
that lovely dog.
by: Cami

I remember all the exciting times Buddah, you and I had Donna! He really brightens your day. He attalks you with slobbery, loving kisses and you just can't help but laugh. He is really the perfect dog!
P.s. love you donna! hee hee!

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