But I'm not looking for a pit bull.

by Keith Cash
(Corpus Christi,TX.U.S.A.)

In November of '09,I had to put my 11 year old rottwieler to sleep. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Around March of 2010, I really missed that companionship,and decided to check out the animal shelter. I've always liked mastiffs,but never owned one,so I was looking for something like that. Nothing of interest could be found in the main kennels.

As I was leaving, a young lady directed me to the "New Puppy Wing". There ,in a very small cage,was a young pup with ears that looked to have been mangled some how.

I showed a little interest,and he came unglued.I noticed he also had a limp,he started bouncing around that cage and almost screaming for attention.I asked the young lady about him and she said,"Oh,if you are looking for a pit bull I wish you would consider this one we have in back,she is almost 6 years old. I said,"I'm not looking for a pit, but I cant leave this puppy here, he looks abused.

She believes whoever had him let other dogs chew on his ears and just use him as a punching bag. His leg had been injured and had a couple of bald spots on his shoulder.I couldn't leave him.

I decided his ears and battle scars would give him character.I guess I threw 30-40 names at him and nothing seemed to stick. Looking at his ears I said,"KINK!". As I remember he looked back and said,"WHOOFF!". The rest is history. When he was little he was a little scared of bigger dogs but he is quickly becoming the badass I know he will be.

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