Chance- World's Best Dog

by Sara
(UP, Michigan)



I adopted Chance when he was just a few months old. He had a home, but the owners weren't taking care of him and gave him away. He has turned out to be the best dog I have ever been lucky enough to be companions with. He is always up for anything and goes everywhere with my husband and I.

I have had pit bulls in the past and he shares many of the same characteristics. It seems that they all have to express themselves by sighing when they are annoyed/disappointed and they all have to be touching you all the time. They also seem to all have trouble "holding their licker."

Chance loves going for bike rides, hiking in the woods, going canoeing and camping, swimming, playing with other dogs, going bird hunting, and cuddling with my one and a half year old nieces. I couldn't ask for a better friend. It's just too bad that they are so misunderstood...

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