
by Sarah
(Charlotte, NC)

Chance is 4 year old male American bull terrier.
I rescued him from some cruel humans that were abusing him as a puppy. I've had him since 12 weeks, poor thing was flea infested and hates men to this day in baseball caps.

He is raised in a house of nothing but women and he is very territorial over us. By far he is the most loyal dog we have owned, with this being said also very spoiled (sleeps on couch and under covers) he follows us around and is in need of our constant attention.

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Dec 15, 2012
by: Anonymous

Bless you for saving him, He is absolutely beautiful.
We have 2 that we rescued and 1 of them also hates anybody in a hat, not sure why?

Have fun with the beautiful baby.

Jan 01, 2013
My Chance
by: Tammy

I just had to post a comment. We rescued our Chance, American Staffordshire Terrier, about a year ago. At the time the vet guessed he was between 2 and 3. Poor baby was a mess and scared of people because of the abuse. He sounds so much like your Chance. He Is afraid of men, has to be around us at all times, sleeps in our bed...under the covers as well. The biggest play baby ever...loves his toys. We love him so much.

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