Daddys' Diamond

Hello! Everyone. My name is Diamond. I am a female Blue-Nose American Pitbull Terrier. I live in Columbus, Ohio with my Daddy and 2 sons, Joker & MAGNUM.

I am a "Rescue Pit" from the West Side of Columbus, Ohio. Ever since the day that my new life, home and world bloomed before my eyes, I knew right then and there that my days of "HELL" were over for good.

My Daddy has a woman that has become a Mommy to me and my kids. If it weren't for Mom & Dad saving my life, my kids and I would've been in a very bad situation.

I, from the bottom of my Heart, "THANK" you Mom & Dad for everything that you are doing for me and my children. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS!

Diamond, Joker & MAGNUM

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