Daphanie and Marley

by ziggi
(beachwood Nj USA)

(Click thumbnail for full size image.)

Well, Daphanie has a history. She is our first. We lost her for a month. We searched, putting up flyers. She even had her own myspace page,searching for her.

Finally one saturday, a woman saw one of our 100's of poster we posted all over and brought her back to us!! She is the love of our life but we then thought she needed someone to play with. And low and behold, a friend's dog had a litter of 8 and we of course took the one that jumped all over us who became our Marley, or sometime "marleyluch".

Marley doesn't know he's 100lbs. He will climb on you as if he is 10 lbs if you are sitting on the couch.

Daphanie is smart and loves to cuddle as close as she can. She will snuggle her head under your arm and put her head in your lap. She loves to swim in the pool. We have to watch her. She will dive in when we're all in and then Marley follows her but he can't swim--he sinks. Marley needs "swimmies"

They are a handful but we love them. They are just like family and go everywhere with us.We love to dress them up just for fun! They will pose for pictures too! They love to have their picture taken..such hams!!

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