Do Pit Bulls Get "Lock Jaw"?

by Sandy

C'mon, do I look like a Pit Bull?

C'mon, do I look like a Pit Bull?

Do pit bulls get "lock jaw"? I was recently discussing the controversy of Pit Bulls with an owner of a Pit Bull mix.

He mentioned something about their jaws locking, which was the reason they could possibly cause more serious injuries during an altercation, than another breed might. He claimed it was also very painful for them when this occurred, and they were unable to release their jaws.

The topic then came up with another Pit owner who scoffed at it, saying it was an old wives' tale.

I'm interested to know your thoughts.

Gale's Reply:

Hi Sandy:

The short answer is it's a myth. There is nothing about the structure of a pit bull's jaws that would cause them to lock.

Yet, this notion of locking jaws persists. And, I suspect it's predicated on the observation that pit bulls are known to be determined, persistent and even downright stubborn.

Phrases like "bull dog determination" to describe someone who's totally focused on achieving a goal exist because there's truth in them.

So, once a pit bull gets hold of something, he may not want to let it go. But, that doesn't mean he can't let go.

In fact, pit bulls are generally so eager to please their owners that with training they can be taught to release things on command--even when they'd rather not.

Cute fur kid you've got there. And, no he/she doesn't remotely resemble a pit bull. :)

Comments for Do Pit Bulls Get "Lock Jaw"?

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Dec 04, 2011
why pits are so deadly in a dog fight
by: Anonymous

The reason a pitbull is so deadly in a fight or attack is the shaking of whatever it has in its mouth that combined with their will & determination, you also have their strength, which is sooooo unbalievable, but you get your pit off the dog/person with a breaking stick not a big lond thick stick just something strong,small, ive known it to be done with a t-spoon & to open their jaws you wait untill the pit goes for a better bite, so really they can't have lock jaw really, you have to be confident, & know & practiced the breaking stick so well that it will get the pit off so quick, but don't force the stick to open the dogs mouth wait untill the pit goes for another bite they always do,but if your dog is a pit or not & gets into a fight with a pit lift the 2 dogs as then the pit can not shake the dog as their feet are off the ground and never pull the dogs apart the you will hurt the dog as they will still have flesh in their mouth, there is a lot more to the stick approch, like u have to hold the back of the dogs head then turn then around when you have the dogs appart, but if the owners are real pit owners their wont be a fight their wont be anything to fear, i just wrote the stick approch as a way for people to learn who have these dogs or for people whos dog has been attacked by a pit to learn, please don't forget these dogs are great, funny, loyal and loving, soft natured dogs and should be let live like all other dogs we do not look at all people as murderers, as we are all capable of it the majority would never hurt another person, so why are pitbulls looked at like they have all hurt or taken someones life, or are going to get their dog or them? its what we have been told and programed to think, please think about that. enjoy your pitbulls!! :-)

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