
by Sara
(Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)

Drako feeling festive

Drako feeling festive

MY lovely little guy is Drako! He is 6 years old and has a flare for the camera! We first met when I was strolling through the humane society and I walked past this poor little doggy all curled up in the back of his cage. After some coaxing Drako came up and the minute he looked up I just had to help him. We adopted him and have been taking extra special care for this extra special dog. He is now a ball of energy and loves his new family. During his time with us the cutest thing he has done, he does everyday. Drako thinks he's a lap dog even though he weighs in around 100 pounds. While stretching across everyone and stepping on everything, he makes room for his enormous body and plops right down wherever he pleases. He loves so much. He is a big old sweety. That is most endearing quality. Together we travel Florida and have lots of mini adventures chasing squirrels and introducing himself to other dogs. He puts the love in my life and is such a good dog.

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