
by Kayla Boltz
(Rimersburg, PA, United States)



In February of 2006 my boyfriend and I were out sled riding with nieces and nephews when this little puppy wandered into the yard. The puppy stayed at a distance for about an hour, it finally got the courage to approach us.

As soon as I seen her I felt horrible. the little puppy was starving and had a humped back. I gave her a little bit food and water, and then made her a bed for the night. When I went out to check on her the next morning, she was still laying in the bed I had made.

After that day she became my baby girl!! She is such a fighter! To start life she was starved, later on she managed to tangle with a porcupine 3 different times, at one point was shot across her shoulders, and not to mention had 2 litters of puppies totally 22.

She has had a hard life but now is the love of my life! Elli is a 4 year old pit/lab mix and is now happy and healthy! Someone once said that a pit bull can endure so much abuse, but at the end of the day all they want is affection and love! And they sure do give the love back!

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Dec 29, 2010
Great story
by: PitBullLover

that is AMAZING she sounds like a great dog u should put photos of her somewhere :)
btw what's her name?

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