Hoss by Gosh!

by Cori
(Mansfield, TX )

Hoss was born on Feb. 15, 2012. His momma is New Trojan & Razors Edge. His daddy is Gotti & Razors Edge.

I found him through a private breeder that lives in Grand Prairie, Texas. He wasn't for sale because the owner was going to keep him as pick of the litter. I wanted a male only & finally the breeder gave in.

I went to look at him the next morning & let me say I fell in love with the butter ball!!! He had the bluest eyes & his coat was so blue.. He came right up to me & followed me all around the yard!

He has became one of the family now! My 3 kids love him to death & trust me as he gets older he gets better & better with them.

My only fear is that he is very protective & we are still working on that! I wouldn't trade him or take a million $$$'s for him. My big guy!!!

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Dec 29, 2012
handsom guy.
by: Kelly Helm

You are one lucky new doggie parent. He is perfect. Enjoy him.

Dec 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

beautiful dog! I love him!! haha I don't even know the dog. check out my buddy trooper on her he's a red nose but very cute also

Dec 31, 2012
I have a biggy too~
by: Gina H

I have a BIG beautiful blue brindle pit(& his little sister) also and just one bit of warning...if he ever gets in trouble ie: aggressivly protects his turf or peoples, not many judges nor cops will go easy on him cuz of his size & breed. Just make sure you make SURE he will listen & NEVER let him get aggressive or hurt another dog where you can not control him. The law is VERY judemental of pits and no matter how sweet they are to us what matters is how they are with others so if you can get him good citizen certified do it so you'll have proof in any court situation that ur dog is not aggressive, get a trainer if you have to!! They are WONDERFUL pets & I love mine to death but A LOT of the world doesn't see them that way thanks to negative press & stupid people making them monsters. My 2 are not people nor dog aggressive but after a call from a dishonest neighbor to animal control claiming my 2 fenced in pits got out & attacked her and her dog(which was NOT true) & dealing with the judge being very prejudice against my dogs I worry about that neighbor lying all the time now. Luckily her dog had no marks or injuryies as proof of this alledged attack. I was home at the time & KNOW my dogs were not out but I had no proof & luckily neither did she but IF whatever dog she had seen (there are several other blue pits in our neighborhood) had hurt that dog I know there would be charges & he would most likely say if any other charges ever come in he will have to be put down even though it was not him. Just make sure you keep an eye on him & that he is not people nor dog aggressive!!

Jan 03, 2013
by: monie

he sounds like a great dog i want a blue pit ne day

Dec 04, 2015
Hoss my gosh! NEW
by: Owner Cori

Hoss is full grown now and tops the scales at 130 lds. Still a good dog. Very protective of his family. :-)

Dec 10, 2015
Shotgun met too NEW
by: Anonymous

Mine LOVES to ride shotgun too, his poor lil sis always has to get stuck in the back as he picks the front! He's my big mush head & she's more like a deer!

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