
by Jan
(Iowa City, Iowa. Usa)

True Words

True Words

Hoss was adopted in October of 09. His mother is a brindle bull and his dad is a bull mass. He was very shy when we first got him, but warmed up quickly when he saw we were offering love.

We had lost a dog in an accident 6 mos before and was hoping he would help heal the broken hearts of all of us. He tried to act tough when he was around the other dogs, but then ended up hiding behind moms legs.

He has the sweetest face and the warmest eyes, sometimes gets a lil bit of a temper. One of his favorite treats are marshmallows. He is just like a toddler, follows mom around everywhere and LOVES to go for rides in the truck.

We can't take him to the local dog parks now that he's older due to some of the people there and their opinion on this breed. He is no different than any other breed i have had. In his eyes, he thinks hes human! We love our lil' Hossifer, tho hes not so little anymore. 90 pounds and one huge head means for a lot of sweet kisses!

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