Ivy- allergic to everything green

by Angie

Too early to go outside to potty....

Too early to go outside to potty....

Ivy came into our lives about two years ago, when she was just beginning her adolescence. I have an extensive history helping bully breeds become more socialized in shelters, and more able to slither their lives into the loving hearts of new parents. We wanted a playmate for our adolescent pug, named Pandora.

We walked into our local SPCA, and I found Ivy. There she sat, with her ribs and pelvic bones sticking out, ears back, her tail between her legs, her nose down, gazing at us with her big brown eyes, scared out of her mind. She wasn't barking like the rest of the dogs... as though she was trying to hypnotize me into taking her home. I thought 'what a shy, timid little girl, perfect!'... we spent a few minutes with her, but she was so very scared, it didn't reflect at all her true nature.

We went to pick her up after she was spayed, and she seemed to know she was going home. She was happier, though still shy, and eager to be out of the noise of the shelter.

When she got home, I led her around the house, showing her the rooms she was allowed in. I introduced her to the cats, which she cared very little about, then I introduced Pandora. They hit it off right away, and they have been inseparable ever since. Pandora cleans her face every night, like a good mommy. When they play, and things get a bit rough, Pandora tells Ivy in a quick way that good pit bulls play nice.

For a while things were rough. The shelter explained to us Ivy had been on medication for kennel cough when we first saw her. When we first got her she was a completely different dog, and the typical teen- crazy active, pushed the limits, and, unfortunately, had a raging urinary tract infection that led to the need to pee (inside or out) every 10 minutes for six months.

She has developed an allergic response, itchy muzzle, ears and paws. We had her tested, and apparently she is allergic to a dozen types of plants (beginning to see the irony in the name 'Ivy'?), and household dust. She is on injections every three weeks, and 6 Benadryl a day all spring through summer into the fall.

However, Ivy has put on (more than enough) weight, and has become very comfortable in her forever home. She loves cuddling, and sleeps outside our bedroom door every night to watch the house. She is the perfect little pit.

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Nov 17, 2010
by: Anonymous

Although I have not tried it I know Evo is a great food. I was so scared when we first got our 2nd dog as we thought it was not a food allergy either but it was to our luck. Hope Ivy does well with allergies and all!

Nov 15, 2010
Response to food allergies
by: Angie

We started Ivy off on Innova EVO when we first got her. She developed the allergies on this food, which our puppy kindergarden teacher told us is one of the best in terms of additives (which is what most dogs are allergic to). We have changed her food periodically since then, with no real differences in her allergic response. The blood test our vet did was to rule out known allergens, and that is how we found out she has a laundry list of irritants, including household dust.

Nov 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

what kind of food do you give her? Have you tried switching her to a no grain food? like Orijen, wellness core, taste of the wild...you might be surprised if her allergies really stem from food.

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