Lovely pit bulls

by Paul
(Kenner, Louisiana)

I own a pit bull and it is the best dog i ever had. Noble, smart and always learning new tricks, friendly to everybody even the mail man. So, I don't think pit bulls are dangerous. Any dog is dangerous if left unattended. People who make dogs fight should be put in jail for life. It's the only way to stop this that has been hurting this breed of dog. They are noble dogs .

Gale replies: I have known quite a few lovely pit bulls myself. I wish more people understood that it's their desire to please humans that makes them easy targets for people who use them for bad purposes.

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Sep 12, 2017
Pit Bulls Are Great NEW
by: Dawn

These Dogs are so lovely and friendly, she came from a pound. She is a bluenose left wandering among traffic in LV NV. She is mixed with some other dog ,maybe a Lab cuz she loves the hose. She will not get in y pool. I don't know . all I know is she is my sweetheart , I love her so and she never leaves Mother. She has such feelings for Mother and is not mean or nasty ever. Her little Dog Friends are small 3-5 pound dogs. My Doctor Asked me the other day What is it with Las Vegas and Pit Bulls, I said we are trying to save them. SHE WAS AT THE POUND LOOKING FOR A PUPPY FOR HER CHILDREN. All she saw were Terriers and Small Dogs. We have to save the pit. My dog came from a place I hope she never goes back to. Pit Bulls should have a National Holiday.

Sep 12, 2017
Pit Bulls Are Great NEW
by: Dawn

These Dogs are so lovely and friendly, she came from a pound. She is a bluenose left wandering among traffic in LV NV. She is mixed with some other dog ,maybe a Lab cuz she loves the hose. She will not get in y pool. I don't know . all I know is she is my sweetheart , I love her so and she never leaves Mother. She has such feelings for Mother and is not mean or nasty ever. Her little Dog Friends are small 3-5 pound dogs. My Doctor Asked me the other day What is it with Las Vegas and Pit Bulls, I said we are trying to save them. SHE WAS AT THE POUND LOOKING FOR A PUPPY FOR HER CHILDREN. All she saw were Terriers and Small Dogs. We have to save the pit. My dog came from a place I hope she never goes back to. Pit Bulls should have a National Holiday.

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