Mr & Mrs Davidson: A Love Affair

by Jessica
(Phoenix, Az)

The Love Affair

The Love Affair

The Love of My Life #1: Bella aka Bella Donna, Donna, Momma Donna, The People’s Donna, Belley, Bellita, Baby Girl, Belle, Mrs. Davidson and Grandma’s favorite Southern Belle.

I rescued Bella from someone who didn’t want her anymore. I believe that the person might have been trying to train her for dog fighting but realized that she didn’t have the fight drive and thought she was too small.

He did a backyard job on her ear crop and it took a year after I got her for her ears to finally heal completely. The whole time I was pulling out sewing thread from her ears (yes, regular old sewing thread. They didn’t even bother to use medical grade stitching thread) and cleaning out the infections.

My poor baby hardly ever yelped and she toughed it out like a soldier! It did take her close to 6 months to trust me and another 6 months to even think about trusting strangers. Now, she loves meeting new people and giving them love. She definitely has changed my neighbor’s views about pit bulls and they all love her.

Bella is the 40 pound love bug of the pair and always cuddles with momma when I’m not feeling well, am sad, or just want to take a nap. Bella’s number one talent is giving her angel eyes; they make the hardest heart melt.

The Love of My Life #2: Harley aka Fat Boy, Fat Kid, The Nutless Wonder, Har Har, Har, Oh Harley, Mr. Davidson and Grandma’s favorite Harley Barley Marley.

I “rescued” Harley when he was 6 months old. I say “rescued” because Harley actually came from a good family that was training him and loved him dearly but when their landlord came to their house to pick up rent, he told
them that the HOA does not allow pit bulls. So, instead of taking him straight to the pound, they did the humane thing and tried to find a home for him.

Poor thing, by the time I got him he had been passed through 3 other homes and in the confusion they didn’t keep up with his shots. By the time he made it to my house, I had him for a month before he got parvo. I played nurse and he toughed it out and after I nursed him through the Parvo he knew that he could trust me.

He’s the 65 pound goof ball of the pair and makes everyone that meets him laugh. Harley’s number one talent is licking his non-existent balls and sun-bathing his belly spread eagle.

The Affair: Bella and Harley are like peas and carrots. Where one goes, the other goes and vice versa. I never knew that the relationship between dogs was so intense and beautiful before I got them. They absolutely love each other and can not be without each other.

When Harley had parvo, he wanted to be as close to the sliding glass door as possible because Bella was outside and they spent the whole time lying next to each other, across the glass. They lick each other silly! I’ve never seen dogs make out like my dogs do.

Bella is definitely the alpha of the pair, although she allows Harley to get away with a lot. They play non stop all day long but at the end of the day, they cuddle together for bed.

I could not imagine my life without the two. They make me laugh and they bring me comfort. They are the most lovable, cuddly, kissable, caring, sensitive, playful, funny, and amazing dogs I’ve ever had.

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Dec 19, 2010
"make out" sessions
by: Anonymous

That is a wonderful story..My fiance's parents have two little dogs who "make out" all the time. They are not pits but your story made me think of them. When his parents got them from a humane society here in Michigan they told us that they had went into the society together from some family, and the sweetest part of this story is they only went for one dog, but something made them get them both. I know that they are just the happiest that they get to live the rest of their lives together.

Oct 23, 2010
by: JJ

I love stories like this!

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