My girls Karma and Evie

by Michelle
(Indianapolis, Indiana)

Evie kissing Karma

Evie kissing Karma

(Click thumbnail for full size image.)

Hello, My name is Michelle. My story begins 3 yrs ago, when I met my cinnamon brindle color pit, Karma. I will not go into details on the shape I found her in, she was only 12 wks old.

After bringing her home and crying for the next few days while I was taking care of her, I decided to keep her and name her Karma.

I am a firm believer in "what comes around, goes around" and YES she can bite you in the rear! She loves hanging out on HER trampoline while soaking up the sun, and daring anyone to get on there.

A year a go I rescued another pit with the similar fate as Karma. We call her Evie,she is mostly white with a couple of tan spots on her hind quarters,she doesn't bark, but sighs all the time (like she has nothing better else to do) After a day of Karma wanting to "eat" her, they are now the best of friends!

I can never imagine my life without them! =-)

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Sep 08, 2010
unlucky pups
by: lori noseworthy

your KARMA looks like my LEXUS ,she is under here under the title LEXUS AND BENZ.i love them,i feel so sad when i hear stories of the condition u found your dogs in ,just like the other dog u commented on,it must be more common than i thought,it saddens me so much.Luckily all 3 pitties i,ve had,my 2 now and my previous one,all came from loving caring homes and were well looked after till i took over as their mom.Now they r spoiled rotten.but well loved and well looked after i didnt realize how unlucky alot of poor dogs and puppies are.

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