My little boy....

by Lisa
(NorCal, Ca.)

Diesel and his blanky...

Diesel and his blanky...

Diesel is a 7 yr old Brindle Pitbull mix, I adopted him as a puppy from an animal shelter near were I live in northern Ca. I went to the shelter because I was because I had just lost my dog of 16 yrs. and I just knew that I had to have another.

I wasn't looking to adopt a certain kind of dog but I did know that I wanted a puppy. There were so many dogs there and I spent a few hours looking up and down the aisles then I saw him, he was all alone in a kennel and looked so scared and sad. I asked the lady that worked there if I could hold him, so she opened the kennel to get him out and he ran into a corner.

I felt so bad for him but as soon as I held him in my arms I just knew he was the puppy for me. We did all the paperwork and the lady said that I would have to leave him over night so he could be fixed before taking him home...

When I picked him up the next day he was so scared he would not get in the car on his own. So I picked him up and put him in and drove home. It took him a few days to get comfortable but all went well..

He's a lover, a momma's boy but one of the best dogs I have owned.. He loves cookies, walks, playing fetch, going to the doggie park, playing with his doggie buddies and at night just snuggling up with me...

I could ask for much more.. :)

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