My Pit Bull Hates My Neighbor's Dog

by Karla
(Goodletsville, Tenn)

Princess does not like Brandy. I think because she gets in my backyard. She is chained up next to my fenced in backyard. I can not let Princess out she will jump my fence and kill her what can I do to help this problem.

Gale's Reply:

Hi Karla,

If I'm understanding the situation correctly, your neighbor's dog--Brandy is chained next to your backyard fence. Your dog Princess has shown aggression towards Brandy and you are concerned that if you let Princess out in the back yard that she will jump the fence and harm Brandy.

The bottom line is that if Princess is a fence jumper, it is your responsibiity to see to it that she does not escape your back yard--whether it's to go after the neighbor's dog. Or whether it's simply to escape the confines of the back yard and roam at large.

In that regard you have basically two choices. One is what you are apparently already doing which is to only allow her in the back yard under your close supervision. You may even need to have her on a leash.

The other is to address the issue from the containment standpoint. This would mean either putting in a fence that Princess cannot jump or scale. Or you could set up a dog run area within your fenced back yard. Again, it would need to be virtually escape-proof to be effective.

As for your neighbor's dog Brandy, a dog that is left chained in the back yard day and day out has a pretty miserable existence. Such dogs are often bored, lonely and under socialized. Do your neighbors ever bring her indoors? If they do, perhaps you could work out a schedule to rotate outdoor times for your dogs so that they won't be confronted with each other.

If they leave her chained constantly, I recommend you check out this article, Twenty Ways to Help a Chained Dog. Reaching out to her owners may help not only Brandy, but yourself and Princess as well.

Good luck. Feel free to post back here and let us know how things are going.

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Comments for My Pit Bull Hates My Neighbor's Dog

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Aug 09, 2010
CLAIM the Fence
by: Anonymous

My boyfriends brother has a pit who jumps her fence too. She cant really go anywhere but she has gotten into her neighbors yard and attacked their dog. One thing you can do to curb the behavior is claim the fence. When your out in the yard and she starts to react to the chained dog instead of yelling at her just go to the fence take a dominant stance and block her, make sure you stay with it till she leaves, then wait until your dog has returned to a calm state. I started doing that with molly and she hardly pays attention to the other dogs in the yards surrounding her own yard.
I also started doing that with my own pit just becuase molly can be such a bad influence and he responded well.

Aug 09, 2010
introductions can be important
by: Anonymous

Wut if you and your neighbors took the dogs on a walk together a couple times a week so that they can get used to eachother?

Aug 25, 2010
Scaling the Walls
by: Jayne

My Pit has climbed the wall and looks over the top, she stops at the top n looks to see if i am watching then i gotta run n grab her before she goes any further. I am standing my ground n owning the wall now, i also spoke to a trainer and he showed me to get a few light chains from a inside plant holder and every time she gets in the mold to even look at it with her hair standing up to toss the chains at her and change her mood before it passes the point of the jump. it actually works, she chewed off the piece of hose that attaches to the nozzle so i unscrewed it and toss that at her, now she'll stop n come sit by me.. so just a toss of something light at the right moment will snap them out of what ever there not suppose to be doin..

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