My precious baby

by Rebecca Bickford
(Hancock, Maine USA)



Dakota is a 7 yr old American Pit Bull Terrier. 7 yrs ago I saw an ad for pit bulls for sale, we had 2 other dogs but I just got this feeling in my stomach and knew I had to go. We drove, and when we pulled up.. well It was a scary house.

There were 2 puppies and they just seemed so young, and they were left on a cold porch, My fiance picked up one (which was a boy) and I held Kota. Kota sat in my arms like a little baby, as Roland was getting bit and chewed on lol so we chose Dakota. So we got her, fell in love immediately. Took her to the Vets and sure enough they WERE too early to go home, by 3 weeks! I called animal control and told them the story and to this Day I wonder what happened..

So she has been with us 7 years and never had I known how much a dog could teach especially regarding unconditional love. She is my whole world. She is so sweet, and gentle, loving, and caring. So many meet her and instantly fall in love with her, then some will say "what breed is she" and then when I tell them they back off and some comments I have heard just break my heart!

This past weekend we had a yard-sale and she was outside, there were 2 children giving her lovins, and then this
man walked by and said "THAT BREED IS VICIOUS!" I tell ya, I went on a rampage. I have had her 7 years and NOT once , NEVER has she showed ANY sign of aggression. She's had children playing in her food bowl while eating, tugging on her ears, and she just lays back.

Our previous house was broken into WHILE we were home, and what did she do? She laid there shaking. Not an ounce of aggression in her! She actually is scared of so many things its kinda crazy.. She's just a lover.. She recently hurt her knee while running and needed a 2000.00 surgery and Ive had so many ppl say "shes just A Dog" and I'm like " OH NO U DIDNT!" she is my child, my daughter , my life, Not "JUST" a dog..

Anyways over 135 ppl helped us in a chip-in fund to raise money, it was AMAZING! It restored my faith in mankind. She had surgery and its been so hard, seeing her in pain and hearing her cry KILLED me, but we are almost 3 weeks into (she has 5 more months of recovery) but we will do it <3

So...I have to focus on the pawsitive ppl, and just try my best to educate the ones who just don't see the truth. She inspired me to start a group called Paying it forward One Paw at a time.

Anyways I didn't mean to write a book.. A note to The Proper Pit Bull and all groups, organizations and individuals trying to educate on this amazing breed Thank you so much! <3 The Proper Pit Bull So, here is my baby..

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Sep 15, 2010
I agree
by: Kelly

a lot of people are ignorant about pitbulls i bring mine to the dog park in the town over and an older couple came with there poodle and my dog was playing with their dog... and at 1st they said wow your dog is very nice and seems submissive then they asked what kind of dog she was i said pitbull they said "she is?" in a disgusted voice gave me a nasty look and took their dog and left... and if someone broke into my house my dog would lick them to death or be scared in her cage hiding...

Sep 12, 2010
my poem
by: Dakotas mom

My baby

Finding out I could not have children was so devastating to me,
Thats all I ever wanted,a mom is what I wished to be.

There were so many days I wouldn't get out of bed,
For I couldn't get the sadness to ever leave my head.

Then the day I saw the add "puppy's for sale"
I got this feeling inside me and when we met, oh how you wagged your tail.

I knew right away it was love at first sight,
For when I held you in my arms, everything felt just right.

Those little blue eyes looking at me,
I brought you home and my heart was filled with glee.

Never had I known just how attached you could get,
For you have become my daughter, surely not my pet.

you can also follow her story here you will have to go back like 5 pgs to see the beginning..

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