My precious pitty!! :)

by Jessica
(Morenci, MI)

Athena - Precious Pit Bull

Athena - Precious Pit Bull

This is Athena. This is her story! My cousin was on her way home one night from work, she spotted something on the side of the road and stopped. She found 2 pit bull puppies that were next to a garbage bag.. One girl and one boy.. The bag was chewed open and these 2 pups were tied inside! The puppies were fine they were not harmed or hurt.

My cousin who was the biggest heart brought the pups home. She didn't have room for two more dogs! Well she called me and said "I know how you wanted another dog, and was thinking of maybe a pit bull, well i think i found you a pup and its a girl!". I said bring her over and lets see if she will get alone with Roxie! (Roxie is my rott/doberman mix)

They can over and that was it this dog was in her forever home! The sweetest thing in the world! Her and Roxie hit it off like they were separated at birth! She surprises me with things everyday!

She is now almost 2 years old. And she is my baby! I love her with all my heart and i couldn't believe someone could do such a thing! She's great with kids and other animals! And i wont lie i was nervous about having her because i never had a pit bull before! I didn't know what to expect!

Well Athena taught me not to judge a book by its cover! After i got her i made it my mission to spread the word that they are NOT vicious monsters! I have the perfect example here at home! :)

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