Oden (cheagle) picked Ginger (pitbull) as his new best friend!

by Mich Luck
(Bradenton, FL, USA)

Ginger is 6 years old. Prior to coming home with us in Feb. 2014, she spent the last 2 years being sent from shelter to shelter.

She came from a hoarder home, and I think she was either neglected or abused based on her behavior.

She's been with us for almost six months and her anxieties and insecurities have minimized considerably. She loves to be loved, and shares much love in return!

Oden, our calm and adoring cheagle, has taught Ginger a great deal too! They both roll over an their backs together on the floor to request belly rubs. And, she is picking up on commands well.

It's a shame the breed has such a bad rap. Remember the old adage , "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Exactly.

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Jun 20, 2014
Adorable! NEW
by: Gale

Bless you (and Oden) for adopting Ginger. She obviously a very lucky dog.

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