
by Dominique

(Click thumbnail for full size image.)

Olivia was my troubled foster dog, having destroyed previous foster homes' couches, beds, pillows...you name it!

Once arrived she chewed my pillow and bed cover, but since then, 4 months, we've had no incidents!

After a month, I got news that 3 families wanted to adopt her, but because she was abused the first year of her life, and spent the second year in cages and tied to poles until I got her, she hadn't been taught much..including not to nip on fingers.

To avoid problems with these families and their children etc, and because I loved her so much! I adopted my baby, Olivia.

She's changed my life...and since, we've been planning pit bull fundraisers and spreading the love!! <3

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Nov 02, 2010
by: Karen

Nice story. I am a firm believer that you pets especially pits choose their people. both my pits are foster/rescues. My foster pit had many different homes, but when she finally came to stay with me, she decided no other home would do. Because I had 2 other dogs, I really needed to find her a home. I found her a beautiful home of a Doctor with much love and plenty of room to run. Despite, the families best efforts she would not settle in and repeatly would pee on their very nice hardwood floors. Something she never did at my house. I went back to get her and she has never left my home since. She needed some special attention, very skittish, but after about 6 months she was mama's girl forever. There is nothing like a pitty's love.
I will never own any other kind of dog. They need us all to help them.

Sep 03, 2010
what a beauty
by: nicole

she is beautiful and i totally feel the same as you, i would be lost without my pit

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