Comments for Our Princess. . . . Our Bully

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Aug 21, 2010
I know your pain
by: Corinna

I'm sorry that you lost her..I know exactly what you are going through, I lost my favorite dog a little over 6 months ago...No one did anything to her, she got sick (she had a tumor inside no one knew about, and it ruptured) and died within 3 days, the vet couldn't save her..She had been with me for over 9 1/2 years..
I hope that whoever took your Baby's life had to pay for it..

Aug 20, 2010
Pits are the best.
by: Stephanie

So sad to hear of your loss. There are so many pit bulls out there that need homes. I am sure you will find another loving, loyal and great one. You will never be able to replace your beautiful Princess, but I am certain you will find one that is just as special and loving.

Every day I see beautiful dogs that need homes. I just fostered two puppies four days ago. I rescued them from the shelter on Monday, and they are already house trained. PIT BULLS ARE SO DARN SMART.

In America there are 6000 Pit Bulls euthanized a day. Go to your nearest Animal Shelter and/or Rescue. Also on you can find a great dog in your area.

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