Pitbulls are Big Goobers

by John Travis
(Lexington, NC)

I've been involved in dog rescue for over 32 years. My main focus has been on Collies and Siberian Huskies, but will help any dog in need.

I've gone under houses and into crawl spaces and culverts to bring out frightened and/or injured dogs. I've got bite scars on both arms from wrists to elbows, and I've been tagged by just about every breed, cross breed, and "Heinz 57" that you can name...but I've never been bitten by a Pitbull. Not once.

I have three here at the present...all rescues and all living in harmony with 10 other dogs in the house...including four Siberian Huskies. I've had zero aggression issues with any of them...except the Chihuahua that the Pits turn tail and run from when he cops an attitude.

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