pitbulls are dangerous if you make them dangerous just like any other dog.

by scott smale
(ogden utah usa)

Pitbulls are one of the smartest most loveable dogs out there. I have yet to come across a mean one and i have met and been around tons of them.

I have been a pitbull owner for four years now and have seen my dog give nothing but love and happiness to everyone and everything he has come across. He has never shown aggression at all and i know he never will.

Any dog can be mean when mistreated and i do not think it is right that pitbulls are alienated because certain people do not treat their animals right or are not responsible dog owners or think its cool to take this loving animal and beat and turn it into a monster because they think it is cool to make money of watching two dogs kill each other.

I am a pitbull fan for life and i will continue to own pitbulls for the the rest of my life. My 4 year old red nose pitbull has my life and very many peoples lives, and he has made pitbull haters change their mind about hating pitbulls. They meet him and instantly ask why is he so nice i thought these dogs were mean and i always say that i have yet to meet a mean one. PITBULLS ARE THE GREATEST DOGS EVER.

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