Raw food saved my puppy's life.

by Erin

I was a skeptic of the Raw diet. My beloved American Bulldog Titan ate Blue Buffalo. That is until my four month old German Shepherd puppy got so sick the vets could not find what was wrong with her.

She was constantly vomiting, constantly having diarrhea. She stopped growing for three months, was completely malnourished. I put her on prescription food, she got worse, hundreds of dollars in testing, and allergy testing.

The vets told me to be prepared in case she had to be put down. I was hysterical, she was only four months old! I spoke with someone about the raw diet...did my own research as well. Within two days I saw a difference in energy, no more vomiting, no more diarrhea.

She is a happy and healthy girl now. We also switched our American Bulldog, Titan, to the raw diet as well. He is eight years old and has a better energy level now!! The raw diet saved my dogs life!!!!

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Nov 13, 2011
Direction, where do you find proper directions for the Raw Diet?
by: Stephanie

Can you post directions on the raw diet? I have one pit bull that I have rescued and fostering. He has chronic food allergies. Maybe this could be the answer. Thank you.

Nov 14, 2011
Here's one source article
by: Gale

Hi Stephanie:

Perhaps Erin will see this and respond as to how she learned to feed her dogs a raw food diet. In the meantime, one of our past Bully For You! issues contained an article entitled Raw Food Basics. Hopefully, you'll find it helpful as well.

Nov 14, 2011
Getting started on raw diet
by: Raw-feeding Rescuer

We switched feeding our large and diverse pack and all our many foster dogs to raw diet about 5 years ago. The benefits to their health and happiness are obvious, and we will never go back to kibble. Our senior shepherd, who was prone to recurring bouts of colitis pre-raw diet, has been 100% free of digestive problems. His teeth are sparkling white, his eyes shine, his coat is gorgeous, he dances with happiness at mealtime, he hikes with our young dogs. Our raw-fed foster puppies are sleek, muscular, and vigorous.

We could go on and on extolling the virtues of raw-feeding, but you asked for information sources. You MUST do your homework before beginning your dogs on raw. We are fortunate enough to belong to an incredible co-op with an amazingly experienced and knowledgeable membership. Here is a link to the San Francisco Raw Feeders website with suggested resources for educating yourself: http://www.sfraw.com/dog_diet.htm There is also a Facebook community, The Benefits of Raw Feeding: https://www.facebook.com/feedraw

Building a solid foundation of knowledge will be well worth it, and your dogs will thank you. What better reward could there be?

Oct 14, 2015
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