
by Benjamin and Jessica

Rocky getting ready to save the day.

Rocky getting ready to save the day.

My entire life I have had a negative connotation towards Pit Bulls. It was not out of a fear of larger dogs, my entire life having owned Great Pyrenees-I had just heard too many negative things about the breed.

Ever since we started dating, my girlfriend told me these amazing stories about her previous Pit Bull Rocky and how he would hear the term "Super Dog" and would come running and allow her to put on "his cape and battle helmet" and she'd latch on to him and off they would go.

As fate would have it I went over to a friends house for dinner, and sure enough he had a litter of pit bull pups. Holding 2 day old Roxie in my hand was all I needed to have my mind changed, and the rest is history. She is currently 7 weeks older and getting bigger and more amazing every day.

I guess we ended up with another "super dog" of our own. She sleeps in bed, already knows to go to the door when she needs to go out, and is the most playful puppy we've ever owned. The only downside is on occasion she is a little gassy though. Hah, all 'n all, we couldn't own a sweeter dog.

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Jan 20, 2012
by: Laura

My 2 yr old pit also has lots of extra "air". Whats funny, when your dog gets older, they have gas even when sitting down. LOL good times. But, sometimes pee ewww

Mar 07, 2012
by: Erin

She is sooo beautiful!! I recently got my own "super dog" so I know you excitement with your pibble puppy. I wish you the best of luck with training her and everything else that comes with having such an amazing breed of dog.

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