by Scott Reed
(Concord , N.C. USA)

Mr. Smooth

Mr. Smooth

This little big puppy is nearing adulthood as his b-day is Oct.11th 2010. Not knowing alot about this breed i was introduced to him when a friend posted on facebook that he had some pitt pups for sale.

It was nearing christmas time and work had been slow and i was stressing on what i was gonna get for my 8yr. old son. He had asked for a dog several times before but because i already had a donkey (dogs & donkeys dont play nice together) i wasnt able to get a dog. Well, "jack" passed on in 2009 and this seemed like the perfect opportunity and situation to get the puppy.

I told my friend i was kinda low on funds could he please hold the puppy for 1-2 weeks till i had the cash. He replied, "you have helped me out before so just take the puppy and dont worry bout it."

So here i now stand the proud owner of this rambunctious , destructive , energetic, loyal dog (who thinks hes a cirque de soleil acrobat, no seriously you should see some of the jumps, maneuvers he attempts ).......

Comments for SAMPSON

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Sep 13, 2011
Great Pics!
by: Gale

...And now you have two very handsome boys! Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.

Sep 13, 2011
by: Karen Ramsey

Sampson is adorable and I am sure your son is over the moon. All I can say is patience, patience, patience. With the right training, he will mature into the best dog you will ever have. Enjoy him and thank you for giving this young pup a home. So many of this breed go unloved, abused and stuck in shelters where their fate is very precarious. Good luck and may you have many happy days ahead with your two boys.

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