Sick and Tired

by Melissa

I'm so sick and tired of having to defend this breed over and over again. Just mentioning this breed in public can spark a huge and usually nasty debate. If people would just get responsible with their dogs period there wouldn't be this ridiculous outcry from the public.

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Sep 18, 2010
Sick and tired 2
by: Scott L

I think the problem is NOT just in the fact there are FAR too many Pittie owners that are Irresponsible (heck, there are Idiots that don't raise their Poodles correct and they become a danger).

I blame most of this situation on the press and headline grabbing do-gooders. One of my neighbors 5 yo kids was bit by a 95# Lab which drew blood. The IDIOT reporters doing the story came to my door (I have 2 each PITs & GSDs which have a fenced 1/3 acre) wanting to interview me about my DOG having bit the kid. They ASSUMED that it was a PIT because a kid was bitten. I set them straight.

That night the ignorant SOB tried to tell the public that the neighborhood was RAMPANT with LOOSE PIT BULLS (total of 3 Pitties on 2 contiguous streets, all of whom are contained on fenced properties) so "It may be an environmental issue with a LAB biting the child". I guess the Station forgot to check with County Animal Control: 4 reports for that Lab being aggressive and trying to attack other dogs and knocking over a baby stroller/ pram in just the last year.

After all of that, the LAB was NOT Picked up and placed in quarantine/ observation nor were charges filed against the owner. The dog has gotten out twice since then.
If it had been one of my 4 dogs protecting my home and a burglar was bitten, ALL of my dogs would have been picked up and euthanized.

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