So Loveable

by Janet Westendorf
(Fort Wayne, IN, USA)

I had no experience with pit bulls except all of the negative comments. And I knew someone who had one that wanted the dog to be mean.

When we adopted Millie at 8 weeks she was so cute and cuddly that it was hard for me to leave her. So she and I spent about three months mostly lovin' and enjoying each other's company.

She is now almost a year old and still thinks she's a lap dog although she weighs over 60#. We are now in Intermediate Dog Class and want to go on so that she gets her CGC Certificate.

Millie has only growled at one man who was at a park, and I can only think that he wasn't a very nice man. She loves kids, cats, people and most of all her human mom and dad.

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Jun 09, 2012
Good luck on Millie's CGC
by: Gale (webmaster)

Congratulations on your training efforts. I'm sure Millie will pass with flying colors. Thanks for sending the pictures of Millie. She's gorgeous!

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