Stop The Bull

by Alexandra Yerkes
(Glennie, Michigan)

The first time I had close contact with a pitbull I was volunteering at my local animal shelter. Although, Rocky, as they called him was a Pitbull/Boxer mix you would never be able to tell that he wasn't a purebred.

At first like many others I was a little scared, but as I opened the gate and stepped into his pen, I instantly knew that all the fuss and bad talk about pitbulls, was in fact just a bunch of bull! The 1 year old black and white speckled pup, greeted me with kisses. It was love at first sight!

But my joy of the new friend was about to come to an end. The manager of the shelter told me that Rocky only had until that coming friday to find a home, or he would have to be euthanized, becuase he was too hyper and unadoptable.

Tears filled my eyes, as I dashed towards Rocky's pen. I was in no situation to adopt a new dog, but I was determined to save his life. I took it upon myself to go into the shelter everyday and work with him. For 5 days I walked, played, and mostly trained Rocky. When Friday came around, the manager said that my work had paid off and that he would give Rocky a few more weeks.

Not even a week later, the previous owner came in and readopted him. I had saved my first pitbull, and at that moment I knew what my new goal in life was, And that goal was to start my own Pitbull Rescue.

Although im still not sure exactly how to go about doing that, I know that it can be done. If more people would open there heart to this wonderful loyal breed, Together we could stop the bull, and take the bull out of Pitbull

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Jan 31, 2011
Need Help?
by: Anonymous

I share the same goal in life if u ever do get your own pitbull rescue I would love to help !!!!!!Names Tyler do keep me in mind If possiple i would love to Help anyway possible!!!

Jan 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

I own a 7 month old brindel pitbull boxer mix named darrnit!!! best dog eva!!!!!!

Oct 09, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Alfred Moore

Good job! I hope you include some photos next time. Thanks for sharing your story by the way.

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