Sudden Behavior Change in Pit Bull Mix

My pit bull/Belgium Shepard male is 8 yrs old and is suddenly trying to get out of my home through an old cat door. He's actually damaged the sheet rock and wood. Also, when I get home he has my rugs in disarray. Why is he doing this now?

Gale's Reply:

When a dog's behavior suddenly changes and the change can't be linked to a change in the environment (like moving to a new house) or an external trigger (like thunderstorms), it's important to rule out possible physical causes with your vet.

With your rugs in disarray and the damaged cat door, it sounds like he's zooming around the house looking for a way out. If this only occurs while you're gone, I would suspect some form of separation anxiety.

But, part of your question is--why now? Considering his age, there's a possibility that he's experiencing some changes that are part of the aging process that are causing him to feel less secure. An underlying ailment that needs treatment could also be responsible.

My recommendation is that you work with your vet to rule out medical issues first before pursuing strictly behavioral remedies.

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Comments for Sudden Behavior Change in Pit Bull Mix

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Mar 27, 2012
Sudden Aggressiveness Toward Other Dog
by: Anonymous

Our 3 year old Pit Bull has suddenly become very aggressive toward our older 8 year old Pit Bull mix. He begins to stare down the other dog and then attacks him. The dogs have lived together without problems for 3 years until the past couple of weeks.

Sep 03, 2015
great comments NEW
by: Annie J. James

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Jul 01, 2016
My pit suddenly refuses to take a treat from my hanf NEW
by: Anonymous

I ve had her for 7 years now, and take excellent care of her, suddenly she won't take a cookie from my hand, but if I put it down. Then she'll eat it, This is perplexing to me . I do want to mention I did recently brush her teeth with a doggie toothpaste, and special. Brush. Could this be a factor. HELP

Dec 25, 2016
Owner NEW
by: Ray

Last week, our 1 yr old pit bull turned on our other large 2 yr old dog....viciously attacking him. They are both males. It happened when they were competing for my attention. We have had to keep them apart since.

It happened again when they accidentally got together again a few days later....very, very vicious. They have been together for about 9 or 10 months...daily...until this incident.

Should I expect this behavior to continue? The pit is the instigator. He had been submissive to the Australian mix prior to last week. When roles were reverse, the aggression from the Aus toward the Pit was MUCH MUCH Much less violent.

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