The 4 Musketeers

by Lisa
(Washington state)

One night when my husband was away on business, I told my "children" bedtime! After I turned off all the lights and locked the doors, I walk into my room to find all 4 of my four legged children on my bed.

The tan one on the left is Kia, she is a pit/hound mix. I got her when she was 3 months old. I was told she was food aggressive, and she was. I then found out it was cause the previous owner had her on a "diet" as she could not afford to feed her and her brother. But a few big rocks in her food bowl and haven't had a problem since!

The grey one is Baloo. He is definitely a momma's boy, and he is georgous. He's a pit mix. We've been told he is mixed with mastiff (don't see it though), weimariner due to the grey, lab etc etc.

The red one is Smores (she's the oldest, more like a grandmother to the other three), she is a chow mix, (not pit) and last but not least is Napoleon, he is a Boston Terrier. Although I don't think he realizes this. He is the youngest of all of them, he will be 1 in August.

Baloo just turned 3 and Kia is 5. I've had all of my babies since they were puppies, and wouldn't trade them for the world, and I dare anyone to tell me I can't have them! With the exception of the chow, they are all exceptional cuddlers and nap partners!!

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