This is My Pitty Named ANGEL--and He is an Angel!!

by tina watson
(san antonio, texas)

I have always wanted a pit bull doggie, but i was not going to pay a lot of money for one so i just gave up. Then one day God must have heard me cuz walking up my street was this ugliest bloated (worms,) ant-bitten puppy walking so proudly up my street.

He was walking like he didn't have a care in the world and smiling!! at the time I didn't know he was a pit bull puppy. I called him out of the street so he wouldn't get hit by a car, and he came straight to me. i picked him up and discovered I finally got my pitty with the colors I wanted for one.

Rushed him up to the vet, had him cleaned up and found out he was only 3 months old. Found him back in November of 2007. He has been the light of my life and my old mutt help me raise him into the friendliest dog I have ever seen. So much for being a mean breed!!

My vet told me through the past few years that I should submit him for ambassador for the pit bull breed. Of course he isn't the only sweetest pit bull in the world but one of many.

I want another one to raise but right at the moment I have 2 mutts and my pit so I have more than i can handle. but I love my "Angel" cuz I know God sent him to me!!

We love stuffed animals, which I don't buy anymore cuz they only last 5 mins, but we love to He loves going with me on the Big truck (semi). He can scale the steps when he flies into the truck. He loves his dog friends (tippy and sara).

I could go on and on but that will take forever. I love the breed and hate the way people have been giving the breed such a bad name.

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