Trooper the red nose bully baby

by Zane
(Lebanon OR)

I got Trooper when he was about 1 and a half years old. I'm 16 so this was my first dog. I always loved pits and the bull breed altogether.

Trooper was abused by his previous owner so he is afraid of other males but I have since fixed that. He is my buddy and I hope you all enjoy his cuteness as much as I do!!

He sleeps in my bed with me always and has never showed any type of aggressive behavior. He is an American Red Nose( pure breed) enjoy!

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Dec 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

I have a now 6 year ol pit mix that I adopted 3 years ago. She is the live of our lives and does not have a mean bone in her body, even when she was attacked by another dog. She sleeps I our king size bed and thinks she is a lap dog. She out weighs my 9 year old daughter. Remember to not hate the breed but the owners who make them into fighting dogs.

Dec 27, 2012
very cute
by: Anonymous

Hi I have to say Trooper is sooo cute & looks exactly like my buddah and he does the same thing every morning he rolls rite over for his belly rubs. He is the sweetest most loveable boy ever. I always tell him he is the best boy in the world. I have had him for over 6 yrs he will be 7 jan. 1st.They are the best dog breeds very sweet & lovable when brought up the rite away & not miss treated.

Jan 15, 2013
one in the same
by: Anonymous

theres no denying these are gorgeous dogs thats for sure..your pit looks like mines long lost twin no doubt..especially with the red bandana and laying around all stretched out like that lol i love this breed and my dogs give me something to smile about

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