When In Rome, Pitty Chariot

by Amanda

Bloo was rescued from a fighting ring in Northern Arizona when he was 8 weeks old. After surviving parvo and a long bout with mange, he has proven to have the heart of a survivor and the will of a champion.

After seeing Bloo and reading his story on Petfinder.com, I personally drove 5 hours to Holbrook Arizona to pick him up and bring him back to his forever home in Phoenix. Bloo's best friend is a white ferret named "barbosa" and his girlfriend's name is "Lucie" the chowchow. His favorite activities are hiking, running, long walks and chasing lizards in bushes.

After a rough start, and over a year's worth of consistent training, Bloo has proven to be one of the BEST dogs i have ever owned. He has a heart of gold and simply adores children and other small animals.

He is always the center of attention when he goes for strolls at the local pet stores and dog parks. People are always asking me "what kind of dog is he?" to which i proudly respond "He's a pit bull!". People are often taken back by his calm demeanor, sweet personality as well as his training.

Bloo loves running agility courses as well as jumping through hoola-hoops at different heights for treats. He has truly proven to be a GREAT representation of his breed and absolute proof that even dogs born into bad situations can be corrected and guided by proper training.

He is proof that his breed is highly misunderstood and often wrongly condemned. I truly believe that Pit bulls are the BEST breed to own and the most rewarding as well. "PUNISH THE DEED...NOT THE BREED". He is the classic, all American, happy-go-lucky dog!

Comments for When In Rome, Pitty Chariot

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Oct 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

very cute! at first glance, i thought he was a pizza! :D

Oct 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

very cute! at first glance, i thought he was a pizza! :D

Oct 24, 2010
a true testament to pitbull-dom
by: Anonymous

Bloo is the Bees knees!

Oct 24, 2010
Very nice
by: Anonymous

The best chariot man could find - or puppet

Oct 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Very Cute!

Oct 24, 2010
Bloo for President
by: Aunt Pat

I'd vote for Bloo for President.

Oct 23, 2010
Bloo for President!
by: Anonymous

Vote for Bloo! He is awesome!

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