Why does the media single out pit bulls?

by kasey

If 4.5 million people are bit a year, then why is it the news only shows the ones that have to do with a pitbull? I mean really, come on! I own 2 pits and I'm more scared of a chihuahua or however its spelled then a pit.

I felt that way even before owning my own but seriously the media does pits no justice.. Pits are the most loyal, loving and cutest dog ever. It makes me sick that people move to the other side of an aisle when I have my dogs in Petsmart just because of their breed..seriously?!!

It's not like I'd bring a mean biting machine inside a store..my goodness people. Anyways, pitbulls are NOT mean.. when they are raised with nothing but love they have nothing but love to give back !

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Oct 02, 2011
Pit Bulls are GREAT dogs, I agree
by: Stephanie

I am amazed at the ignorance and loyalty people have with media. People do your own research, not believe everything you hear on the news. What grabs a story "Dog bites baby", NO. "Pit Bull bites baby", yes. Millions of dog biet stories are NOT put on the news because it happens everyday and it is boring and the news can't live on boring. The inaccurate portrayal of Pit Bulls is not fair.

In recent decades Pit Bulls have been getting a bad rap. We know irresponsible owners and the media are to blame. Not to mention most people don't know what a real pit bull is. I am certain that some of the news stories being broadcast there is not even a real pit bull behind it.

I do something that some may find improper, but I find amusing, and it get my point out. When a person avoids coming close to me and my big handsome pit bull and they ask, "Oh, is that a pit bull?" and I reply, "No he is a Staffordshire." They become relaxed and come pet my big lovable guy.

Now we all know Pit Bull is a Staffordshire, but ignorant people don't, so when they THINK the dog is not a pit bull they want to pet him and are not scared to come close to him.

Once they pet him, and he gives them his charm... I come in with the pit bull education. One human at a time. I walk away happy. My competition is the media, so we have a big battle a head of us. It is not a lie just a play on words to help me get the word out and to educate the ignorant. I have found that people that know that a Staffordshire is a Pit Bull, know and love the breed already.

Here is a good one... two different pet boarding places in my neighborhood. One a family owned ranch "Topanga Pet Resort" that used to board and train seeing eye dogs for over 30 years, the other a big chain "PetsMart / PetsHotel".

Topanga does temperament tests on ALL dogs before allowing them to board. If they don't pass they are trained and treated with special handling, and not allowed to roam around with the pack of dogs at play time. So if your Pit Bull passes... he is treated like all the other good doggies. They can sleep together with their buddies from home, and play and frolic with everyone.

Petsmart / PetsHotel does not do temperament tests before your dogs is boarded. So your dog (if not a pit bull) is allowed to bunk up with his buddies from home, and allowed to do group play. If your dog or dogs are Pit Bulls they can not bunk together, or join the group play time. Even if your Pit Bulls have had prior temperament tests, lived together in harmony for years they CAN NOT bunk together or be in the group play. Now that my friends is absurd.

The trainer at the local PetsMart LOVES and trains Pit Bulls, the staff loves Pit Bulls - they know it is stupid. The corporate policy I find is irresponsible and plain DUMB.

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