Stewie & I Chatting With Friends In Parking Lot,

by Mindy Poland
(North Pole, AK)

He's So Camera Shy!  ;)

He's So Camera Shy! ;)

This is my boy Stewie. He's my very first Pitbull, and he was brought to me when he was 9wks old due to friend not being able to keep him after purchasing him. He is a big boy now weighing over 100Lbs at 3yrs. of age. He weighed 66Lbs. when he was 6mo. old.

He's sweet and loves to snuggle but I must admit he has been the killer of more stuffed animals then I could keep count of. When Stewie and I take our trash to the dump, they have an area called the re-use area where people place anything you can think of that is still in working condition and others may need or want.

There's always stuffed animals, so when Stewie was younger once in awhile Id let him get out and go over and pick out his own stuffed animal. As he got older and bigger, I began noticing people would pull up to the area but remain in their vehicles. Usually once they saw him start dragging a big stuffed teddy bear to the car they had to get out just to meet this beautiful gentle giant.

When I go for coffee in the morning, the baristas don't know me as Mindy, I'm Stewie's mom, and they always give him extra dog treats because he tries so hard to be patient while they make my coffee, and he loves their dog cookies.

Stewie's the sweetest and one of the best behaved dogs Ive ever been the proud owner of. It bothers me to think that had my friend not brought him to me, I probably would never have known how truly wonderful this breed can be with the proper love, attention, and training--as goes with all dog breeds I truly think.

I used to believe they were these wild vicious beasts that had one plan from the moment they woke til they went back to sleep and that was to bite kids, adults, and other dogs. Now that I live with one, and have put in many hours reading up on the breed.

I can happily say this breed is a wonderful and intelligent one. I honestly couldn't imagine my life without one by my side, or at the end of the bed, or just chillin' in the backseat of the car.

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Nov 03, 2012
Love yall story
by: Anonymous

Beautiful dog loved yall's story it made my day check out our story june bug one lucky and lazy dog.

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